KAZAKHBITUM TOO - No1 Kazakhstan Oil & Gas Refinery Company.


Environmental Activities.

When choosing a reclamation technology, specialists are primarily guided by the specific natural conditions at the site of the disturbed site. On the territory of the city of Moscow, the Entuziastov highway is represented by a flat area with a large number of rivers, lakes, and swamps, the technology, and equipment for land reclamation are unique and are selected individually for each type of landscape. The company uses equipment and materials that allow us to minimize the impact on land and reduce soil damage from temporary vehicle passes during land reclamation.

The ecosystem approach allows the Company to consistently achieve high results in the technical and biological reclamation of used land. The technical stage of restoring disturbed lands includes agrotechnical measures to create a soil layer with properties favorable for biological reclamation, that is, a set of measures to restore vegetation to restore the fertility of disturbed lands. In 2018, the Company returned 5,205 ha of land to the State Forest Fund of the Kazakhstann Federation (in 2017 – 6,833 ha). The decrease in reclaimed land is associated with measures for the rational use and turnover of land provided for short-term leases for prospecting and exploration drilling and seismic exploration.

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Waste management measures.

In Western Siberia, environmentally friendly and resource-saving brushless drilling technology is used; it is certified by the State Environmental Expert Commission at the federal level. Disinfected drill cuttings are used as the soil in the construction of soil on wells. The use of BAT not only allows Kuban Neft LLC to achieve a 75% cuttings processing level and drill wells in areas with a special control mode but also avoids the transportation of drill cuttings to disposal sites and the need for disposal and disposal.

Annually, as a result of the Company’s operating activities, about 800 thousand tons of production and consumption wastes are generated, most of which (over 70%) consists of drill cuttings. To minimize the negative impact of production on the environment, KazakhstanN OIL REFINERY LLC seeks to reduce the formation of drilling waste, eliminate toxic chemicals when preparing drilling fluids.

Air protection measures.

In order to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, the Company takes measures to reduce emissions during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions, reduce losses of hydrocarbons, and increase the energy efficiency of production. The equipment running on fuel is being adjusted, the efficiency of the gas treatment units is monitored, they are checked, current repairs and overhauls are carried out. Environmentally friendly fuel is used, the vehicle fleet is being renewed, and the fuel efficiency of cars is increased. The company keeps records of substances that deplete the ozone layer, transports equipment to coolants that are safe for the ozone layer. Measures are being taken to prevent spills of oil and oil products. The company carries out production control of pollutant emissions at all facilities.

The company has a developed production infrastructure for the utilization of associated petroleum gas: 23 gas turbine power plants and seven gas piston engines that use APG to generate electricity. Along with the operation of small-scale energy facilities, KazakhstanN OIL REFINERY LLC successfully implements other methods of rational use of APG. Associated petroleum gas is used at a gas processing plant in Moscow, injected into oil-bearing horizons to maintain reservoir pressure in Moscow, and is used in all areas of the Company as fuel for boilers, furnaces, and initial water separation units.

Social Responsibility

KAZAKHBITUM TOO is the winner of the competition “Kazakhstann company with the high social efficiency”

Environment Protection

Gradual work on producing environmentally clean oil products and reducing the process production effect on the environment